

Dr. Ornish's diet and methods for  treating and/or eradicating coronary
artery disease are being published. The latest one in the Journal of the
American Medical Society (the abstract is not yet on medline-Pub Med.).
I have considered his methods, but the diet is really restrictive. What
ever one thinks of Dr. Ornish his methods are good for coronary artery
disease. Low or no fat diet, no smoking and exercising (carefully for a
while) these methods when strictly followed do reverse coronary artery
disease. It takes a while. Most people just do not do it, or wait until
they need a bypass or a stent before considering it. If you have
coronary artery disease you need a cardiologist as well as this book.
These methods would help, regardless of who recommends them. I am
trying, just because of my family history. It surely is dull though. As
an aside, bean sprouts are good in salads and sandwiches. Nita