

What we read is not always accurate, even from supposedly credible people.
Some of the strange web sites are almost obviously full of errors and
misstatements, but what about a group with a good reputation?


We received an offer <read ad> from the Mayo Clinic Health Letter which
included 12 health facts you should know.
                TRUE or FALSE
1. Ulcers are contagious.
TRUE! The discovery that bacteria are involved......However, "catching" an
ulcer is pretty unlikely.   [my observation:  If it is so unlikely, why do
so many people have ulcers.]

2. You'll catch a cold if you go outside with wet hair.
WRONG! Getting a chill won't cause a cold since colds are caused by
viruses. [my observation: Wrong is not a viable answer for a true-false
question AND your chances of getting a viral infection may be increased by
a lowered immune response resulting from a chill.]

3. Wearing two hearing aids is better than one.
TRUE!  [I think they got this one right. The exclamation point is in every
answer, even the maybe ones]

4. Aspirin protects against cancer.
POSSIBLY TRUE! [possibly is a weasel word which I think is proper in this
case(they limit it to colon cancer in their answer), but the weasel words
should be in the statement we are asked to evaluate.]

5. Don't take medicines with hot beverages.
TRUE! Heat can destroy or alter drug ingredients.

6. Drinking regular coffee can increase your risk ofheart attack.
FALSE! Decaffeinated coffee appears to raise the type of cholesterol
associated with coronary artery disease. [This is a non-sequitur much like
saying being shot with a .45 pistol won't kill you because a .22 pistol

7. Pink or red grapefruit and white grapefruit are nutritionally equal.
NOT TRUE! White grapefruit has almost 100 times less beta-carotene than
pink or red grapefruit. [This is the one that set me off! I can understand
100 times more of something, but 100 times less I don't understand. One
hundred times something is the same as 10,000 percent. It is impossible to
reduce anything more than 100%]

8. Avoid insect stings by wearing light-colored well-fitting clothing
TRUE! Bright-colored clothes attract insects and loose-fitting clothes
allow access to your skin. [I don't know about tight fitting bikini swim
suits... Researchers have also found that shape of the pattern can make a
difference too.]

9. Tea prevents cancer.
POSSIBLY! Polyphenols in black and green tea may prevent cancer or its
spread. [Black tea is fermented green tea.]

10. For best results, moisturizers should be applied to clean, dry skin.
NOT TRUE! Moisturizers work best with clean damp skin. [FALSE would have
been better, but they got it right]

11. Chewing gum is bad for your teeth.
NOT REALLY! If it's sugarless, it can actually help fight tooth decay.
[Does this answer the question asked?]

12. Heart attack victims beware: Sex puts a strain on your heart.
NOT REALLY! It may be anxiety associated with sex that adds to increased
risk. [So why all this hype about Viagra....Having sex requires energy, and
using energy puts an extra load on the heart. This extra load is usually
bad during or shortly after a heart attack, but may be beneficial during

They will also send me 3 free gifts if I try their health letter. Sure,
they are free. Ho Ho Ho
Will Johnnston [66 58dx 38]
A.P.D.A. DelMarVA Chapter Pres.
4049 Oakland School Road
Salisbury MD 21804 USA 410-543-0110