

I share Phil's concern about meds availability.  Since we have excellent Rx
insurance coverage, and pay very little for Peter's meds, we may have a
chance to occasionally have an Rx that we pay for out of pocket, not asking
insurance to cover it, and in that way, with cooperation of the doctors,
could build up a supply.  I plan to ask our mail order company,
Merck-Medco, what their Y2K plans may be, and also discuss this with the
neuro and PCP.  It's not too soon to alert ourselves and others in the
chain of supply to the need to be covered for emergancies.  Expiration
dates on most meds allow ample time to stockpile a bit, I expect, if docs
will write extra Rxs for that purpose.

Who has a better idea??????

        Camilla Flintermann,            <[log in to unmask]>
        CG for Peter, 80/70/55                   co-owner, CARE list

             "If the only tool you have is a hammer,
                    everything looks like a nail. "
                        ----Abraham Maslow