


There is an easy way to reduce the size of the posts. Remember the "bad ol'
days" when we used to support the postal workers with first class mail (I'm
referring mostly to personal letters written by hand (even before
typewriters were in many homes) for those of you young whippersnappers who
grew up with a computer instead of a tablet of paper and a No. 2 pencil -
and a brain!). It was only on very rare occasions that we would restate
specific text we were replying to. We would raise or identify the subject so
to speak and then get on with what we had to say. We have gotten lazy and
let our brains atrophy due to lack of use because of the convenience of
modern electronics.

I have noticed that in reading the posts (in digest form- -I set my cursor
at the top and "shift/click-backspace" as I scan each page refill), I was
reading only the source, subject, and maybe what they had to say. I never
read the text that is preceded by the little >> symbol(s) ------- unless it
is some forwarded jokes. If there was something I wanted to keep for a
while, I would reset my cursor just past it and resume my
"shift/click-backspace routine until through the digest and then save the
now edited digest. I very seldom ever go back to a saved post, I'm just a
pack rat. I have found that whenever I throw something away that has been
around for a long time, I need it desperately the next day!!!   Stuff I get
rid of right away, I never miss again. With a little application of mental
discipline (at whatever level we PWP's are able to now achieve) and mental
exercise,  you will be surprised how much your memory will improve. My
philosophy is, if I can't remember the content or did not save the post that
is being replied too, then it wasn't important to me in the first place, or
I wouldn't be able to find it, so why worry - DELETE.

So, here is my proposed solution. Do not use "Reply To" unless you set your
options to "Do not include original message" or something to that effect.
You'll make mistakes by maybe having an inappropriate response due to
remembering something out of context. My solution to that is I always save
the original post of any message I reply to or if I'm interested as to what
other responses may be.

One final comment, then I better get back to work. A lot of information is
out there about physical exercise, and it is important to do as much as you
are physically able. I believe mental exercise is just as important in
PWP's. This wild list bunch certainly give us some of that!! That's why I
think almost any subject is fair game provided you are civil both in
demeanor and tongue and the jokes stay reasonably clean for adults. A good
healthy debate is part of that mental exercise. Another form of mental
exercise I practice every morning for at least 30 minutes. I try to work the
JUMBLE, CRYPTOQUIP, and CROSSWORD (after reading all the funnies!!!). I
don't always finish or figure everything out, but I'm getting better and
better. I check the answer's next day to make it a learning experience.
Exercise, Exercise, Exercise!!!!
