

 Thanks Ervin for this different approach to PD .
Even if chelation only cures Wilson's disease it is still very
importatant to consider  .  Why does Wilson's disease produce
similar symtoms to other causes of PD ? I do not believe that they
are coincidental . Basicaly in PD I believe we are dealing with a
malfunction of the brain . Until we identify the malfunction and
understand it , then progress in understanding PD will be difficult
. A car engine  will run erratically  if the fuel air mixture is not
exploding properly . This lack of proper explosion can be caused
 by a variety of causes . ( lack of compression , faulty spark or
incorrect mixture ) . These different cases produce similar results
because they all affect the explosion . I feel until we can
indentify the common link in all causes of PD symptoms then our
understanding of PD will be very inadequate . Your summary of PD
shows how chelation relates to a lack of dopamine producing cells. I
question this explanation because it does nothing to explain the
movement dysfunction improvements brought about by palidotomy or DBS
Thank you  once again for opening up the discusion on the causes of
PD . I have stored your posting for future reference .
          Alastair     ( [log in to unmask] )