

        Hi all,

        Someone wrote recently about the advantages for a PWP to use Vitamin
C.  Quote: "I was having problems before I started the vitamins. In fact I
believe right now some of Gods greatest gifts to PWP are the Internet and
Vitamin C.  Of course there is also loving family, good friends and
knowledgable and caring doctors when you can find one."

        It seems as if the usage of Vitamin C speeds up the effective
absorption of the PD-drugs.

        I have recently been introduced to KareMor International Inc.  They
specialise in oral absorption products. According to their advertised
material the absorption rate of a tablet/pill is around 10% in up to 4
hours.  Their patented oral spray gets absorbed directly through the lining
of the mouth (buccal mucosa) at a rate of 95% in 30 seconds.  The digestive
tract is bypassed in the process.

        Although their current products do include a Vitamin C spray,
amongst others, the fact that the digestive tract is bypassed with the spray
means that the tablets/pills used by the PWP will not be absorbed faster if
a Vitamin C spray is used. (unless you can SPRAY the pills right through the
lining of the mouth...)

        This got me thinking. (dangerous this).  Should we not
attempt/try/fight/etc to get some (a lot, actually) research going into
having the various Parkie-medications made available in the form of oral
sprays?  This would mean - if all the statements are correct - that
OFF-times & waiting for medication to "kick in" will be reduced, no struggle
with big tablets and small throat openings, swallowing problems, etc.

        I have spoken to the doctor who heads KareMor in South Africa.  He
has difficulty getting authorisation from our Government to go heavier and
deeper into medication. He is involved, however, at Grootte Schuur Hospital
with research into the uses of admitting medication through oral spray for
transplant patients and Aids patients.  The thinking process there seems to
be that medication is creating havoc in the digestive system for these
patients and that nutrients could be admitted by the patient through the use
of an oral spray (or vica versa).

        The current product range of KareMor includes products for
Nutrition, Vitamins, Arthritics, Smoke-ending, Stress related, Heart-smart,
PMS, Prenatal, Herbal products, Mild depression, Insomnia problems, Dietary,
Paracetamols for headaches etc.

        (According to this doctor the tablet & pill making industry has
invested very heavily into their machinery and they will fight tooth & nail
to not lose market share.  I believe that this is not our problem.)

        Does anybody have any more information about this?

        KareMor International Inc. has a very comprehensive web site at: <>


Gerrit Kleynscheldt

Tel:    +27 21 947 8918 (Local 021 947 8918)
Fax:    +27 21 947 1521 (Local 021 947 1521)

Please note the following:
Because e-mail can be altered electronically,
the integrity of this communication cannot be guaranteed.


        >The reason I am so high on vitamin c is that before I
        >started taking them it would take almost an hour for my
        >morning meds to kick in, now it is more like 20 minutes.

        this is great!
        what kind of vitamin C - and what do you take it with?

        >Before  I started taking the vitamins  I had  asked my doc to
        >increase my dosage by one pill (from 3 to 4 ) because the meds
        >were taking so long to kick in.  After I started taking the fourth
        >pill my body would get so rigid it was unbearable, It seemed like
        >my muscles would be getting tighter. I would get as stiff as a
        >board. Some times this would happen while I was driving (bad news).
        >So I cut back to 3 pills again.

        this sounds a bit odd -
        can you tell us more details as to the timing of your pills
        and the timing of the stiffness setting in after the fourth pill?

        >Then I read about dissolving pills in Coke (the soda pop)
        >and this helped speed things up allot.

        i believe that sweet sugary drinks [not diet] are the best 'vehicle'

        >Shortly after that I read about Vitamin Cs and how they passed
        >from the blood into the brain and how this was helpful for taking
        >meds that had to reach the brain.

        i don't think i've read this, or if i did, i've forgotten -
        it sounds very interesting - do you remember where you read it?

        >Maybe it is just my imagination but it seems the meds not
        >only kick in faster but I also  get maximum effects out
        >of them. I don't know it just seems like it.

        it would be interesting both for you and for us
        if you could maintain a detailed diary/schedule for a few days
        to see if you can confirm this

        i think this is the type of anecdotal experience
        that probably won't be studied formally
        if we have to take sinemet,
        we might as well get the most out of it!

        >As far as the pd effecting my job, some times it does, but
        >I have over 30 experience on the job and I know how to
        >compensate for my short comings when it happens.
        >I think the hardest part is when I see others my age
        >living the life that I had envisioned for myself and
        >when I think of the plans I had for my, "GOLDEN YEARS",

        the best laid plans...
        we like to think we can plan ahead
        and thus have some kind of 'control' over the future
        but we can't and we don't
        never have and
        never will

        >Again I thank you for your concern and I
        >hope to hear from you in the future.
        >Your new friend
        >John 55/5
        >John Lees <[log in to unmask]>

        it was great to hear from you again, john
        sorry it took me so long to reply
        my eudora filters have been working overtime!

        your cyber-sibling


        janet paterson - 51 now /41 dx /37 onset - almonte/ontario/canada
        [log in to unmask]