

hi barb

At 21:38 1999/01/04 -0500, you wrote:
>Earlier today, one of our listmembers sent me the sad news that Peter
>Kidd died of a heart attack.  Both Peter and his wife, Moira McPherson
>had been on our list almost from the beginning.  Not too long ago, Moira
>(the pwp) died of cancer.  If you look on Jerry Finch's web ring you will
>see Peter's tribute to Moira.  Now he has joined her.

what a sad surprise!
i didn't know peter or moira, other than reading their postings
they were amazing people, each in their own right
articulate and generous, spunky and spirited
my thoughts are with the two boys
left behind


janet paterson - 51 now /41 dx /37 onset - almonte/ontario/canada
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