

hi lisa

At 05:23 1999/01/06 -0500, you wrote:
>DEAR  list folk,
>I sit here at the computer at 4;30 am barely able to type
>because of my left side shaking so.  It seems like my
>symptoms have progressed in the last month or two.

pd usually doesn't progress that quickly
i believe that it tends to slide up, [sort of sneaky-like]
so my first reaction to your comment is:
what changed 4 or 8 weeks ago?
meds? diet? lifestyle? supplements? menstrual/hormonal?
when were you under better control?
what meds were you taking then?

>It sucks, to watch my physical condition worsen, I am 40 years old,
>I am in excellent physical condition other wise, the shaking (in the
>morning) doesn't stop  for at least 2-3 hours after I take my meds
>(1 sinemt 25/100cr & 2 permax .25 & eldepryl) at awakening. then
>it seems like it lasts for an  hour (the on time) and it's time
>to take more drugs, hopefully in time so they kick in before the
>next bout with pd.

i'm a bit at a loss here
in terms of the details of the fine-tuning
that we all need to concentrate more and more on -

your pd is the 'tremor' type and mine is the 'stiffness' type
and i believe that the med approach tends to be different for each type
[somebody correct me if i'm off-track here]

>it really sucks sometime, I try to keep a  positive attitude, my
>friends are great. my boyfriend is wonderful. but how do we keep
>our shit together in times like this, yesterday was rough, today
>so far (it's 5;15 am) is not good, I sit here typing and cant
>control my body.

one of the catch-22's with pd is
that its symptoms are exacerbated by our emotions
which can work itself into a frustrating 'vicious circle'
especially if we 'try' to hide our symptoms or suppress them

>I can't be a rock all the time

of course not
you are a human bean, you are entitled to be un-rock-like

>I cant let loose my emotions on to my friends cuz they dont know how to
>respond (how can they) and it is hard on them cuz they feel helpless.

yup yup yup!
and that's exactly why this bunch here on the net
is so important - i know you'll get lots of support

>I hate this disease and what it does to  me!  I WANT MY BODY BACK!
>I dont have faith that any drugs are going to make it better, cuz
>they dont, they just offer a  different set of side effects. oh what
>fun trying to figure out the exact chemical balance and timing that
>will work (for an hour). I AM FRUSTRATED!  I AM DEPRESSED!

so be depressed and wail and cry and pound the walls
and then when you're through

you have been given a test
it is custom-designed for you and only you to learn from
sometimes the hardest part
is figuring out just what it is that is to be learned
but you wouldn't have been given it if you couldn't deal with it

maybe you need to see another medico
maybe you need to change your meds
maybe you need to meditate
keep asking and you'll find the answer

>I AM SORRY to dump this on you guys, but thank god your here
>withlove and appreciation for this list
>Lisa 40/6  St. john usvi

i, for one, feel privileged in being a 'dumpee'
feel free, anytime!

much love


janet paterson - 51 now /41 dx /37 onset - almonte/ontario/canada
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