

Hi again list folks, I have another (dumb)? idea re identifying ourselves.
It seems we tell intimate details of our illnesses, ages, onset etc. but
we seldom indicate our marital status. When they are signed husband/wife/
caregiver to, it's obvious. Now...the thing is I am past the age where
physical appearance is the most important factor, there are many bright
articulate funny and downright interesting ladies on this list. (BLUSH)
I think PWP could be natural around each other, unlike the dating?
I'm doing now. What I'm fumbling around is could we put a code of some kind
in our signoff saying whether we're married or alone. I am both. Seperated
for 3 years, lonely. I'm not trying to start a dating service or anything...
This is the only place I know on-line where I may have a chance to meet
somebody decent, I'm starting to feel foolish...

Bill Harrington   42  dia 29 sym 27  sep 3 years  AVAILABLE, UNATTACHED
                                                 SINGLE, lol left, lonely