

Not again!  Man, not the Inquisition again!  Boy, I guess I should brace
myself for a beating when I do finally get to post my healing story.  Well,
I'll get ya'll prepared for it with the following:



No doubt and no fear
Can e'er destroy my faith
No matter how long
I must sit here and wait

For just like the man
Whose hand was restored
I too am one of the
Healed of the Lord

If a hand can appear
Where before there was naught
Then the cells of my brain
Can be healed by my thoughts

I'll repeat my mantra
And I will not quit
Not while I am forced
Here to rigidly sit

Like the paralyzed man
Who stood up from his bed
And carried it with him
Just as Jesus said

I too can rise up
Knowing that I am healed
In the light of the Word
Even PD has to yield

For no name is above
That of the Divine
So in the name of the Lord
I now claim what is mine

Still, I am preparing
For one Hell of a fight
For the Darkness is strong
Even when faced with the Light

This is where my faith
Will be put to the test
It would be far easier
To believe like the rest

They say there's no cure
And 'til now, could be true
And so it might remain
Were I to believe as they do

For myself, I will choose
Life rather than death
So I can make the most
Of all the time I've got left

So, as long as I sit
And 'til my brain is restored
I'll repeat o'er and o'er
"I AM the Healed of the Lord."

*copyright  Wendy Tebay