


Val Archer wrote:

> Kathrynne - your sig shows that you would clearly know that
> nutritional healing has reached the medical journals, e.g. Dean
> Ornish's work in heart disease, T. Colin Campbell's China Project,
> etc.

Medical nutrition therapy is a term used for an intensive level of
individual therapeutic nutrition counseling provided by a registered
dietitian. It includes interpretation of laboratory values, examination
of lifestyle factors and medical history, analysis of food diaries, and
the development of a personal eating plan, among other areas. Such
conditions as food allergies, endocrine abnormalities, gastroparesis,
poor oral health, food-medication interactions, lesions of the GI tract,
and diseases of metabolism are carefully considered in applying medical
nutrition therapy.

> I guess you must be referring to sprouts specifically?

Yes, I refer to sprouts specifically.

Ornish's work has certainly included reversal of heart disease; sprouts
are not a regular part of his patients' diet plan. Patients who
experience reversal eat an extremely low-fat diet, exercise daily, and
use meditation to lower stress. It has not been conclusively shown that
diet was the effective agent in his patients' reversal. Exercise,
meditation, or a combination of both, or all three, may be needed.


Kathrynne Holden, MS, RD
"Nutrition you can live with!"
Medical nutrition therapy
Tel: 970-493-6532 // Fax: 970-493-6538
"If we knew what it was we were doing,
it would not be called research,
would it?" -Albert Einstein