

When my husband was diagnosed with PD 2 years ago, he switched his insurance
from Medicare to Secure Horizons because with it he could (with a premium of
about $75/month) have unlimited drug coverage.  Secure Horizons and the other
3 similar plans in our state (Mass.) have dropped the coverage.  They now
offer $600/year for drugs, which as many of you know, is precious little,
given PD.

Bob takes Eldepryl (2 x day), Parlodel (5mg. 3x day), and Mirapex (3x day).
Our income is very, very low, so paying a lot for so-called medi-gap insurance
is out of the question.  Bob also takes lithium for manic-depression and
remeron for insomnia.

Perhaps with the $600/year plus the $75/month savings, we'll be o.k.  But in
case we're not, does anyone have any suggestions?  Secure Horizons wants us to
use their mail-order plan, but we've had so much trouble with them, we don't
want to patronize them or their mail-order outfit.

Thanks.  Delda White CG Bob 66/2