

On Sat 02 Jan, Dan & Natasha Slebiss wrote:
> Hello to all and Happy New Year;
> My mother, Marta, age 72/5, is taking Sinemet 25/100 three times a day,
> 1 tab in the AM, 1/2 tab at noon and PM.  Along with Requip .25 mg two
> tabs 3 times a day and one Zoloft 25 mg at bedtime. Mom is at a level
> with PD, which I think would be called stage 3 or 4. The REQUIP was just
> recently given to her along with the Sinemet. She has been on Requip now
> for 4 weeks. Since on Requip Mom has fallen several times and complains
> of being dizzy. I know being dizzy is a side effect, however my question
> to all of you who may know is this: According to my research on Requip,
> it states that it is meant for the early symptoms of PD. Mom is beyond
> the early stages. What are your thoughts on this?
> Mom is also going to Sunnyvale to the Parkinson's Institute to see Dr.
> Tetrud in another 10 days. Has anyone on this list experienced a visit
> there?

Hello Natasha, Your e-mail raised a number of points which I would like to
comment on:
 1/  I would be much happier if your mother would take half a sinemet
25/100, six times a day. I could go on for hours why this is better,
but time is against me.

2/  Requip is in my view, just another Dopamine agonist It may sound
cynical, but I suspect that Requip is just like the other Dopamine
agonists, but the Requip boys were smart enough to address themselves to
the question of whether the drug is effective on the early symptoms of PD
and Surprise, Surprise:  it is.  I strongly suspect that most of the
agonists would give the same result if tested.

The point is; should you carry on with Requip? I see very few redeeming
features of the drug, as it applies to your mother: The early years
benefit is irrelevant; the dizzyness and falling are probably a Requip-
proprietry side effect. I would advise you to ask your neuro for a
different brand of Agonist, - there are several to chose from. Keep
swapping to diferent agonists until you find the best reaction to the
falling, and then stick with it.!!
Brian Collins  <[log in to unmask]>