

Get Articles (How To):                January 1999

>Could you recommend the best ways to get the articles cited in
>the Index to the CSR (CSRINDX) that is posted every month? I
>have seen several that I am interested in but am unsure how to
>get them!

I frequently get inquiries like this one, from new listmembers
unfamiliar with the postings, because I don't like to clutter
the list any further with the same long explanation every month.
So, let's try this short one:
The cited articles are from professional journals usually kept
on file in medical libraries. The journal names are abbreviated,
so that each citation will fit on one line, but the librarian
should be able to decipher. University libraries generally are
open, short of borrowing privilege, to the public. If you need
only an abstract, many are available from the U.S. government
PubMed website at
To decide quickly whether to go that far, you can look up my
very brief review in the Current Science Reviews for the month
indicated (back to 1995), which are in the archives of this forum
as well as in my own files. Cheers,
J. R. Bruman   (818) 789-3694
3527 Cody Road
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403-5013