

hi judith

At 12:55 1999/01/04 -0500, you wrote, in part:
>Just a little before noon, I had a call from our PWP's wife. The MDS
>was in this morning and as might be expected, our PWP was "on."  The MDS
>had all the charts from the nurses and residents, but didn't look at
>anything that had been recorded by our PWP's wife. He told her that what
>she was telling him didn't make sense. I'm afraid a question I might
>have asked is, "What, if anything about Parkinsons does?"....

i don't know if i would have been even as tolerant as that

his saying that what the mrs had to say didn't make sense
rings alarm bells with me
as well as his refusal to even acknowledge let alone consider
all the detail she recorded

it speaks to me of 'don't confuse me with the facts' blindness
and 'doctor as god 101' training

maybe he feels threatened
by others who appear to question his judgment
if so - too bad!
that's his problem, not your friends'

i'm rooting for the side of empathic and logical medical care

and if i ever get into a situation like this one
i plan on having an advocate like you!!!

thanks for the detailed updates, judith
it is sad that this type of ignorance still happens
but it's good that we can learn from hearing about it


janet paterson - 51 now /41 dx /37 onset - almonte/ontario/canada
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