

Parkinson's Disease Afflicts Young People Too

Aired December 28, 1998 - 1:42 p.m. ET


LOU WATERS, CNN ANCHOR: Parkinson's disease is a neurological disorder most
common among the elderly. It is not, however, exclusively linked to the

CNN medical correspondent Rhonda Rowland spoke with a 35-year-old woman who
has battled the illness for years.


RHONDA ROWLAND, CNN MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): This is how Michelle
Block reacted to the news that actor Michael J. Fox has Parkinson's disease:

MICHELLE BLOCK, PARKINSON PATIENT: I don't know how he hid it. I want to
know his secret.

ROWLAND: She was not surprised someone so young had Parkinson's; Michelle
has it, too. The disease is characterized by tremor and erratic body
movements. Most patients develop the disease in their 60s, but about 15
percent develop it at a much younger age. Like Fox, the first signs of
Parkinson's appeared when Michelle was in her 20s.

BLOCK: I was 26. We had just had a baby and I started having trouble writing
the thank-you notes for the baby gifts.

ROWLAND: Now she's 35, and in the late/mild phase of the disease.

BRET BLOCK: There have been people who have thought she's drunk, or just
didn't understand, or having withdrawal symptoms or something -- just the
more understood it is the less stigma there will be.

ROWLAND: Michelle controls her symptoms with medication. Michael J. Fox had
brain surgery to control his tremor. It's not a cure and it carries a small
risk of death or paralysis.

M. BLOCK: He was very brave to do it because of that percentage of risk, and
I'm not that brave. I'm not willing to take that risk.

ROWLAND: So, she plans her day -- car pool, trips to the grocery store and
gym -- around the movement fluctuations she gets from her medication.

(on camera): Do you think it is a tragedy? M. BLOCK: No it's an
inconvenience, most definitely. It's not fair, you could say, but this is
something I can deal with; we can deal with; and they're going to find a
cure for it.

ROWLAND: Researchers say there are probably a half-dozen lines of research
going on right now that could produce a significant breakthrough. Of all the
neurological diseases, Parkinson's is probably the closest to a cure.

(voice-over): Michael J. Fox has said he anticipates a cure by the time he
reaches age 50.

DR. RAY WATTS, EMORY UNIVERSITY: No I don't think Michael J. Fox is being
unrealistic at all in striving for a cure by 50. My goal is to see a cure
for Parkinson's before the next 13 years, that's for sure. Now who knows
when we are going to get there, but if you don't aim high you may end up
low. It is within reach.

ROWLAND: In the meantime, the Block's do their best to carry on a normal
family life.

Rhonda Rowland, CNN, Atlanta.