

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
 Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses      deg. F20   :-)

On Sun, 3 Jan 1999 19:40:01 EST [log in to unmask] writes:
>dear ivan,
>i always read your postings, or any postings that concern you!
>you are always in my thoughts!
>i feel as if you were a very personal friend!
>i wish that i leved closer  to you!
>i would help!
Dear brenda and list,

   I am fighting exhaustion . I still have noovernight caregiver. Force
myself to stay awake at night to avoid  sleepiing so deeply that I would
wake up in state of severe muscle cramping.

  Can't stop missing my caregiver,Jay, who left in October and who is now
in New Jersey. He called Thursday to tell me his arm was injured at work,
and that   maybe he should try to come here to help me-but silence since

   I am losing ground-let's not gloss this over -lost 21 pounds from 169
to 148 since the summer. I am very weary and canot stop feeling  upset.

I spoke to a priest for the 6th time this week. I need help to get to see
him face-to-face. I can't traavel alone.  I have asked the whole list, is
there anyone willing to drive me toNew Jersey and back???

  I keep busy getting ready to present myself well
for the Lehrer News Hour; camera session. coming up soon.