

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
 Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses    20  deg. F   :-)

Dear friends,
Chers amis,

I am saddened to have just learned of the death of  our friend and LIst
Member, Peter Kidd.
Je suis desole d'avoir appris en ce moment du mort de notre ami et
partageur du Liste, M. Peter Kidd.

I will write a few words here that I hope can  be relayed to his family
and friends.
Je ecrira quelques mots ici que je souhaite peuvent etres envoyes `a sa
famille et `a ses amis.

Good morning from frozen Maine.  For about 5 days, we have had ice and
snow.  But fewer power outages than last year's Ice Storm  of '98. I
imagine the Nova Scotians got hit pretty hard.

Peter Kidd's sudden death is a shock to me.  I will miss  him.  He always
kept us  non-Canadians up to date on CNN and on many things Canadian. He
was my friend across the waters we Mainers share with Nova Scotia.

Nova Scotia and  Maine share an ecosystem that include the Bay of Fundy
and the Gulf of Maine.  He was just a short flight away from Portland.
It's  just a 10 -hour ride by oceanliner from Portland to Yarmouth, Nova
Scotia.  The fishermen from both nations work the waters with respect for
one another.  He was probably closer, geographically, to me,  than nearly
all of the more regularly active List Members

Much of Maine's history interweaves with the history of New Brunswick,
and of Nova Scotia. The Canadian border follows Maine's for many hundreds
of miles. I hold a very special place in my heart for all things
Canadian, having sought refuge in Canada myself for nine months, so  that
I could be harbored and not be an unwilling draftee, during the 1971-72
period of American war on Viet Nam.

My favorite bar here in Portland  is graced by well-informed Canadians
from Nova Scotia, with whom I enjoy talking, very regularly. So Peter
feels even closer, in that he lived so nearby.

I send my thanks to Peter and to his family my heartfelt sympathy.  He is

Maybe Anne Rutherford of St. John's, New Brunswick  can provide us with
details of his wonderful and knowledge-filled life, which he shared with

 { Anne, if you can manage, or with a friend helping you, please  write
us about Peter's life.}

I will light a candle for Peter this morning.

With him passes a lovely spirit lighting bright the Canadian waters and

Ivan Suzman
Portland, Maine 04103