

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
 Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses      deg. F   :-)

On Tue, 5 Jan 1999 12:27:13 -0500 Hilary Blue <[log in to unmask]> writes:

>Always remeber, if Ivan exists, there are many more out there just
>like him.
>For all their sakes, and for yours and mine, his story must be told.
>Hilary Blue

Dear Listmembers,

      If I am not excluded from the WETA coverage of the Michael J. Fox
story, I would try to present OUR story.  I know I ca, cover many issues
we face.
   I would hope to represent every person with any type of Parkinson's..
My  friend, Diane Atwood, R.N and Medical Correspondent at WCSH-TV ,
NBC-TV, Portland has just told me she will be calling Nicki Hoose, at the
1-703-998-2600 ext 2150, to try to urge that my I am included in the
Lehrer Hour.
   I do volunteer work-such as handling phone calls asking about support
groups, being a patient representative on panel disussions for Nursing
Agency personnel who need continuing education credits , providing
presentations to the local support group on the Udall Bill, meeting with
state and  national legislators about long-term home care budget issues,
and giving support and information for any and all callers or
correspondents.  I have handled 3 Parkinson's emergencies in the last two
months. One PWP was hospitalized, one is still working and the third is
newly diagnosed as a PWP.   People  seek me out at my house at all hours,
for a better knowledge about living with Parkinson's. I have successfully
roused Maine's Congressional delegation to assume much stronger  advocacy
roles in Washington.  I am better positioned than ever to assist our

  I have a background for many years as a  college professor and as a
human rights advocate, and having lived in South Africa, I am even the
recipient of personal correspondence from MR. MUHAMMAD ALI.

   I am not camera-shy, and have been on live and taped broadcasts on
Maine's CBS, NBC and local cable access TV stations. I initiated the
"TV-ready" PWP and CG list that now has 77 volunteers.  I have made 6 TV
appearances about Parkinson's in 1998, and am Maine's Parkinson's
Awareness spokesperson, a job I will pass on to one of two top candidates
in Maine when I complete my responsibilities on January 10,1999. I am
hoping to work with Barbara Blake-Krebs on radio work in the near future.

So, Nicki, grab me for the Lehrer Hour while my rates are still
reasonable! And joking aside, thank you for the opportunity a taped
appearance on the Lehrer News Hour represents to the Parkinson's

Ivan Suzman
Portland, Maine
PWP 49/39/36
    I feel fully able to present some of our issues-ranging from
caregiver issues to the cost of medicaitons issues to assisted living
issues to young-onset issues.  I know that we must put education of the
public, publicity about our lives, and the need for an infusion of
earmarked research funds at the top of our wish lists.
     I do not hide the fact that very recently, I have personally been
suffering a serious  decline in my own health, despite the success I have
had by adding Tasmar to my other drugs. I am a victim of a Medicaid
system not designed to attract caregivers except on an ever-changing,
part-time basis.