

Dear Rachel -

        I've written before on the rage which sometimes overwhelms me -- although
fortunately never to the degree which you describe in your husband.
        I asked the List whether this was the PD, the meds or, possibly, the
result of the frustration of the PD situation.
        The private responses I received from others make me believe that rage is
probably a result of frustration and not an organic part of the PD condition.
        This knowledge seems to help.  Although I still have periods when I would
like to throw a chair though the window, I have trained myself to step back
and look at whether my rage is appropriate to the situation.  Sometimes it
is, but usually I find that I am overreacting.
        The key is to say "Stop!  Where is this coming from?"  I actually say this
out loud, whenever I feel very angry.  I usually feel a little silly, but
it seems to work.
        I don't know if you can convince your husband to try this or some
variation of this procedure.  Perhaps you need to say it to him -- anything
which makes him stop and think.
        Others on the List have advised you about the first order business of
taking care of yourself.  Please take their advice most seriously.  This is
not only for yourself.  Unless you take steps to make yourself safe from
attack, you won't be able to help your husband.  And his condition probably
won't improve if he's locked away.  (I say "probably", since the problem
may be solved only if it is enforced from the outside.)
        The problem may be caused by psychiatric conditions which may or may not
be related to PD.  If so, my simple advice is not likely to be the answer.
It may be partt of the solution, however.
        If I may be of help, please contact me.

Bill Isbell  64/1