

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
 Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses    20  deg. F   :-)

On Tue, 5 Jan 1999 16:20:14 -0500 Camilla Flintermann
<[log in to unmask]> writes
>I just hung up from a call from Nicky Hoose, who explained the
>constraints for this particular segment. However she said she had
>with Ivan and hoped there would be other chances to tell his story
>(realizing the broader application of it) such as PD minth.
>I suggested maybe they could use a clip from Ivan's local TV shows,
>and she
>will call him to see about this---bottom line, she is sympathetic and
>interested, and may be able to do something later on, if "the bean
>counters" allow it.

Thanks Camilla and hello List--

CAMILLA'S ONE CALL was enough to cause Niki Hoose's staff to call me (her
assistant,Tekella  Miller) and ask for videotape of my two NBC tv
appearances in January and April of 1998.

Camilla is correct-that more people calling PBS at 1-703-998-2600
ext.2150 (News Desk for Lehrer Hour) will add to the "count", and help to
make it more likely that in April I may be filmed for broadcast.

In the meantime, we should support Hilary..  I just talked to Hilary
about how SHE can speak for ALL of us. She needed the encouragement.  She
is going through a TREMENDOUSLY difficult battle to try to reunite her
family.  Her two daughters possible return to live under one roo fwith
their mom and brother, Jed, is what Hilary is fighting for.
I spoke to Jed, and asked him to stand by his mom, as SHE WILL BE FILMED
TOMORROW!. He promised he will help her.

Although I will be "backstage" I am in complete agreement with Barb
Mallut.Any one of us can speak for PWP's and CG's, once we understand
that when on TV or radio, we always represent, on some levels, all of us
, that our stories, however insignificant they may seem at some moments,

So, Hilary, I wish you courage, and am 100% behind you.

As for my story and the issues surrounding finding caregivers--

if PBS has to wait til April, I'll try Rolling Stone magazine and WBET,
meanwhile.  I have been e-mailed by someone from WBET ? in Boston?

It was erased by accident during a computer disk space crisis two weeks
ago, so I could not respond. The writer asked  me if I would like to be
interviewed by Rolling Stone magazine.  The answer is YES.  (Publish or

DOES ANYONE have either the Boston PBS TV station e-mail address or phone
number or contact person, or the same for Rolling Stone Magazine??
