

Janet - my recipe clearly gives instructions on how to sprout in
jars.  Did you send for it?  Having an automatic sprouter in our
kitchen simply means we don't have to be at home at regular intervals
to nursemaid our baby sprouts - we get fresh home-grown organic food
year round for pennies, with no work on our part that the jars take.
To me, my health is more precious than anything else in my life.

Keith - blended fresh home-grown sprouts and greens are a
nutritionally balanced food that works wonders in healing, it doesn't
remotely look like or taste like snake oil.  They give our cells the
chemical molecules they need to do their job best.

Kathrynne - your sig shows that you would clearly know that
nutritional healing has reached the medical journals, e.g. Dean
Ornish's work in heart disease, T. Colin Campbell's China Project,
etc.  I guess you must be referring to sprouts specifically?

The bottom line of healing with living foods (that is, foods that are
still growing when we eat them, e.g. sprouted beans and baby greens)
is to try it ourselves - even reading of the successes of doctors
like Ann Wigmore doesn't help, or reading the books of their
patients.  Please will you try the recipe for a month?

Charlie - Ann Wigmore had two doctorates - in naturopathy (N.D.) and
divinity (D.D.).  So far as I recall, she describes being at the
divinity college in her autobiography "Why Suffer?"  However, whether
or not she had degrees is not the point.  It's whether her methods
worked.  And thousands of testimonial letters at the Ann Wigmore
Foundation testify to the success of her methods.

Dr. Wigmore devoted her life to healing very sick people, using
living foods - she specialized in cancer.  She wrote more than a
dozen books (she died in a fire in 1994).  Most of her books are
published by Avery Publishers (800-548-5757).  Her methods work.  I
am a living testimony to that.  She saved my life.  I would not be
writing this today, if not for the miracle of her healing methods.

Financial gain is not my motivation - you'll see from my web site
that profits on the sprouter will go to micro-enterprises for "the
poorest of the poor."

The main reason for my post was to invite people to join my mail-list
to learn about healing with living foods.  This is all free.  One of
my biggest enjoyments in life is to share my knowledge and help
people heal, as I was helped by Ann Wigmore (and by 9 years of
studying biochemistry and physics books, and 26 years of books by
doctors who specialize in healing with nutrition).

Phil - rather than go to the National Council against Health Fraud to
learn more about Ann Wigmore, why not read the books of her patients
who were cured?  E.g. Eydie Mae's "How I Cured Cancer Naturally"
(breast cancer, completely cured) and Elizabeth Baker's "The Gourmet
Uncook Book" (colon cancer, completely cured).  These books are at
most health food stores in New York and can be ordered on-line.

>Abandon all hope, ye salesmen who enter here!

If offering people a free mail-list to learn what to do, why to do it
(biochemistry), and how to do it (recipes) for optimal health, is
selling, then I plead guilty.  Most of the time I experience it as a
lot of fun, right now at nearly midnight after working all day on new
year's day on my computer I'm experiencing it as exhausting, but I've
never experienced it as selling!

Hey Barb - what's wrong with planting the seeds as Nature intended
and eating them?  Sorry, I'm tired, and also over-hurt from being
poked fun at as if I were not flesh and blood.

Wendy - thanks for your little touch of support!  Please will you try
the recipe for a month and see what you experience?

love, val - a business that cares - get computers to
'the poor' - when you get free of pain with Mother Nature.