

I posted a note I intended for the list but it got sent only to Val Archer
because of the new config., which I forgot about.  Basically, what I said was:
She cited Dean Ornish, among others, as evidence of "studies" that have
reached scientific journals.  The NY Times last week had a big article on
Ornish, pointing out that cardiologists at such places as Mass. General
Hospital don't accept Ornish's claims.  The MGH cardiologist pointed out how
few people are in Ornish's studies (20, for example), and that follow-up data
is sparse or non-existent.  Ornish's claims of reversing heart disease are
especially in dispute.  I own a book of his and have read at least one other,
and I very much wanted to believe that his claims were true.  Perhaps they are
-- but he needs much more evidence as proof.

I also told her I have been on this list for nearly 2 years, and am grateful
for the research by listmembers that has exposed several dubious enterprises.
We don't have the protections that other media (newspapers, radio, t.v., etc.)
have developed over the years.  Our only protection on the Internet is the
concern and skill of people like Janet and Charlie.  I've seen so many
appalling "cures" exposed, I believe Janet, Charlie and others who care about
our welfare before I believe "cures."

People who have found helpful such things as magnets are always careful to
state whether or not they have a financial interest, statements that came into
use at the suggestion of List members.  We don't object to people telling us
about helpful things.  We do object to people hiding the fact that they'll
make money if we buy stuff.

Remember laetrile?  "Cured" lots of people, didn't it?  NOT.  Remember
Muhammad Ali's departure from that clinic in Florida that was going to "cure"
his PD?  Remember the flustered denials of the clinic's director that he never
intended to use Ali to get publicity?  I remember these things clearly.  And
again I say, thank you Janet, Charlie, Barb and all the others who insist on
solid, truly scientific evidence.  We'd all love to see a cure for PD, and
soon.  We'd like it to be geniune.

Delda White CG Bob 66/2