

hi barb

[n.b. i've taken the liberty
of removing the 'non-pd' from your subject header
since bean sprouts are the long-awaited cure to pd!]

At 15:33 1999/01/02 -0800, you wrote, in part:
>...Actually Val, I conducted a research project for my thesis
>specifically to learn more about prehistoric domestification of
>animals and plants and recently discovered that waaaaay back in the
>dawn of time, ALL domesticated plants and animals originated from
>The next morning, it was discovered that Milton had placed the wet
>clay on top of a dog  and lo and behold, the clay had dried in the
>shape of the dog and was covered in tiny green edible sprouts!
>"NEAT," exclaimed Mrs. Jones," I'll call it "Chia-Pet," and soon the
>cave was full of Chia Pets, hence the birth of the phrase, "Keeping
>up with the Jones'!"

i appreciate all the research you've done on this, barb
you are a real asset to this list

may i add my small contribution?
i have found two amazing web-sites
which describe the current status of chia-dom and sprout-dom
much better than i ever could

in fact the information on these two web-sites
left me de-speechified!
[to steal a phrase]

please, please, please
don't miss 'liberachia' and 'elmer fudd':
most enlightening!

An Interactive Guide to the Chia Pet Zoo

Joseph Enterprises Interactive

sproutingly yours

your cy-bean sibling


janet paterson - 51 now /41 dx /37 onset - almonte/ontario/canada
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