

>Whatever kind of cancer it is, I've got it, or had it, removed from my
>neck. What next, Aids, leprosy?

Basal cell carcinoma is a very common form of  skin cancer.  It is
frequently found in fair skinned individuals who have experienced
considerable sun exposure over a long period of time (farmers, sun bathers,
and avid golfers).

Treatment of Basal cell carcinoma is highly successful if the cancer is
treated (surgically) in the early stages of development.  If the cancer is
not treated  it can become aggressive and invade the muscular and lymphatic

Flaky lesions which are irregular in formation, bleed frequently and do not
heal  should be reported to one's  physician.  Said lesions may not be
cancerous, but should be observed as possible indicators that basal cell
carcinomas may develop.

Unless you are engaging in high-risk sexual practices, AIDS should not be a
problem.  If you get Leprosy please let me know - you would be the first
acquaintance of mine (including my patients) to have contracted the disease.
God bless
Mary Ann Ryan RN