

hi again lisa

something i missed the first time around:
At 05:23 1999/01/06 -0500, you wrote, in part:
>It sucks, to watch my physical condition worsen, I am 40 years old,
>I am in excellent physical condition other wise, the shaking (in the
>morning) doesn't stop  for at least 2-3 hours after I take my meds
>(1 sinemt 25/100cr & 2 permax .25 & eldepryl) at awakening. then
>it seems like it lasts for an  hour (the on time) and it's time
>to take more drugs, hopefully in time so they kick in before the
>next bout with pd.

if you feel no benefit from the sinemet controlled release [cr]
for two to three hours after taking it
that's normal

for an early morning 'kick-start' many parkies on sinemet cr
have been advised to take a half tablet of 'instant'or regular sinemet
in addition to the cr
the theory being:
the 'instant' sinemet would 'kick-in' within half an hour
and as i recall, has a half-life of about 2 hours in the body
[vs a half-life of about 4 hours for the cr version]
so by the time its effect is wearing off
the sinemet cr would be 'kicking-in'

fine-tuning our meds can be a chore
but is critical to our functioning
no one else knows how we feel
if your pd symptoms are 'showing through' sometimes
then you are probably slightly under-medicated
at those times

i use regular sinemet almost exclusively
because i need to 'fine-tune' very closely
[half of a 10/100 tablet every 90 minutes]
i find that cr is much more difficult to 'tune'

...just another thought for whatever it's worth



janet paterson - 51 now /41 dx /37 onset - almonte/ontario/canada
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