

Maureen:  Thought I'd share my husband's exp. since he's 69 and has had it l2
His regimen involves presently,  600mg/day Sinimet Cr&l00st mixed
                                                  l mg/day Cogentin (
something few have mentioned but has always helped the tremors )
                                                 l5 mg. Bromocriptine (
recently added as an
agonist- taking it slow - seems to be helping some)
I have a  question to you- Why so much Sinimet?  The most we've taken(my
husband asks when I'm going to start my doses, har,har)  is l000mg/day and
work to minimize it.  When he feels overdosed, there seems to be more
symptomatic to PD.  Sometimes we miss doses and seems to be better - but know
we can't go to long with too little, but some variances help I think.
Also, has he had a thyroid checkup for the possibilities of weight loss?
Let me know, he's the first I've heard of on such high levels of Sinimet....

Blessed to be with you all...
