

I am answering to the whole list for the same reasons as you gave.


Camilla Flintermann wrote:
> Dear Ivan and friends--I'm sending this to the list because that is where
> Ivan posted, and I believe the response should be equally public.

I don't know if the producer knew that Ivan was gay or, if she did, how.
However, I am  pretty certain it was not a factor in HER decision.  I cannot
blame Ivan for being angry - I was too,  or for immediately jumping to that
conclusion - because so very often that is the case. But in this case, I don't
think it was a factor in the producer's decision. However she was under
pressure from her bosses to keep down the costs, and she mentioned to me that
among other factors, one that  had to be taken into consideration was te cost
of flying a whole staff to Maine . What  her bosses' motivation was, I cannot
say. I don't know them.
She did mention to me that she was planning to do another feature on PD, IN
April, too coincide with National Parkinson's Awareness month,  and hoped to
be able to feature Ivan.


> As it happens, I was one who spoke to the woman at PBS, and I made no
> mention of Ivan's being gay--if they knew that, it was not from me.
> I am very saddened that Ivan has chosen to see this situation as
> homophobic, but I'm sure that is a result of his real-life experiences, so
> can't  blame him. However in this instance, I really question that is the
> case.  Did Hilary say that he was gay? Did HE?  And what does that have to
> do with his being a lone PWP in need of better care, which would have been
> the focus of their interview with him.
> The woman I spoke with when she called me back explained that they had on
> ly a few days to shoot the piece, and being public TV had very limited
> resources--anyone who has written a small check to a local station after
> sitting through endless appeals for  membership and funding, can vouch for
> that!

They certainly did seem to be concerned about my children, and Michael J fox -
did I think he
gave a true  [picture of the life of the average Yopper.


> In addition, the thing that seemed to catch their attention was the fact
> that Hilary's daughters had been removed from her home because of her PD,
> and  they saw this as "discrimination".  I STRESSED THE FINANCIAL AND
> AND A DISEASE REQUIRING HOME CARE.  It was at that point that she indicated
> they could perhaps do another segment, with Ivan, and that Parkinson's
> month was coming up in the spring.  I suggested they might check the tapes
> of Ivan's local TV appearances, stressing that he is articulate and
> presents himself well....she said she had his phone number and would call
> him.

I must reiterate that Ivan has been wonderfully supportive of me, and without
him  I don't think I could have got through the interview at all. Thank you
Ivan.  I know you were angry.
so was I, butthat didn't stop you from being a real friend.!


> Nothing in this contact gives me any reason to think that Ivan's fury is
> appropriate here, though Lord knows it surely has been in many other
> situations.  I am sorry that Hilary is caught in the middle of this,
> as I know she was distressed that Ivan was not included, having initiated
> the whole thing on his behalf rather than her own.   Ivan, in less
> stressful moments, has been an eloquent advocate  here on the list.
> for her in her fight to regain custody of her girls, and she has been a
> mainstay of his support in so many ways.  I suspect that much of his
> desperation and frustration in other areas has  been projected onto this
> incident of what feels to him like rejection. ...and I regret the pain it
> has caused both Ivan and Hilary.
> 0--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Camilla, thank you for caring!

Hilary Blue, (50/33/24)
>        Camilla Flintermann,                             <[log in to unmask]>
>  My Home Page
>              "  Knowing when to insist, and when to let be,
>                is,perhaps, a lifetime learning experience  ."
>                               --Mary McCurry