

Hello Hans:

For You and Ivan, I was an accountant for a Public Broadcasting Station.  It
is the Board that has the attitude and the board is run by the people in the
community.  PBS stations are not dictated to my the public (HaHA) but they
are.  PBS can run whatever they choose to run.  There in lies the problem.

A show was to air about 3 years ago, called "Tongues Untied."  It was a very
graphic show about a gay couple.  The scene that was so graphic is they were
lying in bed, clothed, and talking to each other and the camera.  We had
hundred of phone calls for and against.  Some saying they would never give to
PBS again if this program were aired.  Others saying we have a right to see
the content ourselves.  No one should make that decision for us.

I felt so bad to the Program Manager, a very meek and mild man.  But I watched
him in action.  He came out with a statement that in short said, "Freedom is
everyone's right in the United States and when we start being held ransom by a
select few (I will never give to PBS again) we lose PBS.  That is the
foundation, the freedom to air many shows not aired by regular channels.  (No,
they have programs that disgust many.)

Along with the calls we also received many letters.  One in particular that I
will remember for ever.  He chose the word "Freedom" out of the Program
Manager's message to the viewers.  He agreed that our country was founded on
freedom but that with Freedom came responsibility.   He knew what was coming.
We aired the program, a few dropped us from their donation list, and even a
few more stated to donate.  Reason was we did what was felt best for all.   We
believed that as adults you could turn the channel or turn it off.  You were
not being forced into watching something you didn't want to.

The show wasn't that bad or good.  It was a show about 2 people in a

I wasn't offended.  Now some of the trash on Internet or regular channels curl
my toes.
Ivan, I am sorry you encountered anything bad with the Station now the entire
PBS group.
And for those of you who cannot understand why they keep begging for money.
The CPB (Corporation for Public Broadcasting) is stopping a lot of the federal
funding.  Good you say, yes it may be but the funds have to come from
somewhere to keep it going.  That means Corporations, private industry and we
the public.
Now I don't like Barney but he would be gone, Sesame Street, Masterpiece
Theater, Mystery all would be gone.  So that is the problem.  But please don't
blame all of the PBS Stations.  Some are just a little backward yet.
Community carries too much power.
Thanks for listening.

Hugs to all