

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
 Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses    20  deg. F   :-)
Camilla Flinterman wrote:

 " Did Hilary say that he was gay? Did HE?  And what does that have to
do with his being a lone PWP in need of better care, which would have
the focus of their interview with him."

  Camilla, thanks for raising this question! I hope I answer it

  My struggle to find open-hearted caregivers is inseparably tied to
society's  prejudices and attitudes towards gay men.  We are  sinners,
cast out of our familes.  Dealing with these attitudes, while also
surviving as a single, low-income PWP,  is an enormous additional burden.
 I believe that the PBS higher-ups simply do not want to be perceived as
too gay-friendly on a show like the Lehrer Hour!

   I personally told Niki Hoose, when she called me  in December, that I
perform with the Maine Gay Men's Chorus,  We talked about how the singing
prevents my voice from weakening. I also talked about how homophobia was
preventing some of my own family from visiting me, and how isolating and
difficult young PD really can be.

  Camilla, I have had  all of these situations to overcome:

 Imagine if you were spat upon, your art was defaced, your cat swatted by
caregivers.  Imagine being called a fag in public by a caregiver.
Imagine a nurse telling you that you are  doomed to hell.  Imagine a
caregiver wearing latex rubber gloves before she would touch you. Imagine
another who would only cook breakfast with gloves on.  Imagine another
caregiver spreading her legs to show you her private parts, in an attempt
to" heal " you.   Imagine a caregiver taking your magazines and throwing
them in the trash.  Imagine a skinhead caregiver showing up at your door.
 Imagine a caregiver spitting ON you, on  a public sidewalk.  Imagine a
caregiver refusing to work in your home until you removed your  personal
sex education materials from your own bedroom.  Imagine a caregiver
refusing to assist you to dry your hair.  Imaigne a doctor telling you
that he doesn't need to know you're gay, but asking your marital status
on his patient information form. Imagine a caregiver refusing to help you
fold CLEAN laundry.
  Imagine a caregiver refusing to enter the bathroom to help you get out
of a tub.  Imagine a caregiver arriving late, and refusing to enter your
bedroom when you have to get dressed in a hurry.  Imagine a caregiver
refusing to take you to your church for choir practice.  Imagine a
caregiver placing a large bible on your breakfast table, and announcing
that she wants you to read three different passages of her choice to her
before she will allow you to eat breakfast.Imagine a caregiver blocking
your car with his car, and calling you a "fag." Imagine a cargiver's wife
 refusing to let him park the car on your property.  Imagine anti-gay
jokes being told openly at you by a caregiver.
  Imagine being sued by a caregiver who was fired for calling you a fag.
Imagine an agency (which later lost its license) refusing to schedule you
for coverage.

 The e-mail packet about me from our own Listmembers, that reached the
various media,  mentions  the  impact of homophobia on me I now realize
that the PBS higher-ups simply do not want to let homophobia interfere
with "their" focus.  Either I play their game, and deny who I am, or tell
only partial truths .I am not a good liar.
Hans van der Genugten wrote:
"people with such a discriminative attitude
towards a minority of people (the homosexuals),
give IMO a strong signal for not accepting ANY
people that are "different".
And as we know PWP are often considered
"different" (as being a chronic ill person) too."

  Exactly, Hans. Any minority group experiences discrimination. Now that
I know where
PBS stands, I will try to avoid the heartache, embarrassment and expense
they have just
caused me,  treat this as a learning experience, and move on.
  I GUARANTEE you that the bosses of PBS would rush to
cover a gay PWP if he were a major public figure.  By the way,
 Alexander the Great, Tschaikovsky and Clark Gable were all gay.