

Hey Bill.... If one includes their marital status (or non-marital as
the case may be) on their signature/PD-statistics line, don't ya
think the LEAST they could do is maybe add the number of kids they
have at home? <don't respond - I've got my tongue firmly planted in
my cheek right now) <grin>

Oh, say..... and even more important then the number of kids one
might encounter, how's about listing the number and species of PETS
in ones family home?

Sheeeeesh!  I'm single (with 2 kitties and <2 adult daughters on
their own>) and can remember the shock of going to the home of a nice
fella I'd been on a few dates with, only to find he'd conveniently
neglected to tell me his drug-addict-27-year-old-son AND five - YES,
F*I*V*E Boxer dogs ALSO lived in that home with him!!!!

OHMAGOSH!!!  Who CARED if he could cook and drove a red
Ferrari!!?!?!! (laughing at memory of my response to seeing that
menagerie!) <I was stunned speechless when mama-Boxer peed on the
kitchen floor, I can tell ya THAT>

Ya know - I've dated a Parkie or two and the first thing I found out
was we were ALWAYS in "off" mode at different times! <groan> Made for
some funny experiences.... and I didn't hafta worry 'bout running out
of Sinemet while with a date! <smile>

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Harrington <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
<[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wednesday, January 06, 1999 7:36 PM
Subject: an idea for id'ing

>Hi again list folks, I have another (dumb)? idea re identifying
>It seems we tell intimate details of our illnesses, ages, onset etc.
>we seldom indicate our marital status. When they are signed
>caregiver to, it's obvious. Now...the thing is I am past the age
>physical appearance is the most important factor, there are many
>articulate funny and downright interesting ladies on this list.
>I think PWP could be natural around each other, unlike the dating?
>I'm doing now. What I'm fumbling around is could we put a code of
some kind
>in our signoff saying whether we're married or alone. I am both.
>for 3 years, lonely. I'm not trying to start a dating service or
>This is the only place I know on-line where I may have a chance to
>somebody decent, I'm starting to feel foolish...
>Bill Harrington   42  dia 29 sym 27  sep 3 years  AVAILABLE,
>                                                 SINGLE, lol left,