

Dear Ivan: If the facts are as you say and I have no reason to doubt them,
this is truly a travesty of justice. Somehow, we on the web will get to the
bottom of this. I am too tired now to think clearly, but I hope when I
log in tomorrow someone will have an idea.
Hang in there!

At 02:53 AM 1/7/99 -0500, you wrote:
>^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
> Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
> Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses   21   deg. F   :-)
>I really wonder why, after being personally asked
>during a 45-minute phone call  from WETA-TV, in December,
>to rearrange my entire life so that I could be filmed
>by the PBS Lehrer  team, specifically,
>soon after January 5th,
>(I have been going through HELL , trying to get
>my PD-ravaged teeth repaired and reformed,
>to smile the best PWP smile imaginable)
>that I read only second-hand, on our PD list,
>but not directly from PBS,
> that I will NOT be filmed !!!
>Due to budget constraints.???  What a pile of  - - - - !
>What the HELL has happened????
>I wonder if my identification as GAY
>has reduced my struggle to find
>GAY-friendly, GAY-experienced
>and GAY-supportive "CG's"
>to a sad lament, a buried footnote on
>heterosexist PBS's pages about PWP's.
>My issues as a PWP who can no longer
>live alone, who somehow manages to live on,
>and who is not a slut, who will not take
>anything in a bar that comes his way,
>making me just like ANY single PWP,
>except that, GAY PWP's are out-in=the=cold,
> gone from the PBS progamming.
>I am not angry, I am FURIOUS
>at being excluded by PBS.
>ME? NOT camera-worthy??
>WHO started the TV-ready list, PBS???
>No, not Michael J. Fox, no,  this GAY PWP did!!
>I am just as charming, and, although
>I don't have children,
>I love children immensely.
>I am not in Hollywood,
>but I do perform for 45 minutes to an hour,
>on STAGE with the Maine Gay Mens' Chorus,
>whose TUXEDO-ED performances are legendary.
>I actually managed to do THREE shows in December.
>I have a become more than a local hero.  Phone our President,
>Mark McDonald, and find out for yourself!
>After all, you all know how I capably
>'bust my ass" to help ALL of us.
>If a PWP is not strictly heterosexual,
>and if being "married" or "single" becomes i.d.-worthy,
>although I, too, am alone,.and need companionship,
>I begin to feel marginalized and unaccounted for.
>Perhaps one becomes a partial PWP, a P-PWP,
>or maybe I should self-i.d. as a Q-PWP (q is for queeny),
>Partially-presentable under limited circumstances.
>No matter how one contributes to overcoming PD.
>I try to be fully acceptable
>in my own, 'different" way,
>and know I am both GAY,
>and PWP "family" like anyone else,
>even if I am a Matthew Shepard to some,
>or a GAY pain in the derriere to several.
>I was made the way I am,
>by a God and Goddess combined.
>I am a special PWP, and I have gifts to share
>with all of you PWP's,
>whether I feel  sensitive, and sultry,
>like the Shechina,
>the Jewish Sabbath's god-queen,
>Or manly, masculine, bearded, and,
>smelling strongly of Stetson after-shave,
>feeling horny, like a "real" man,
>and reminding you of Charlton Heston
>in the desert heat of Khartoum!!
>I reflect at times a "special"
>PWP make-up, combining a bit of Schweppes,
>a tinted queenishness,
>lilac leg-warmers, GAY apparel,
>leather and fantasy and,
>a rose-colored stud in my left ear.
>Well the PBS people missed out
>on a chance to kkkick around
>this kkknowlegeable PWP's
>ideas. I can go elsewhere
>and be welcomed.
>You kkknow, folks,
>I am a published SCIENTIST.
>I have many hard hours of South African
>and Minnesotan and Maine-iac
>anatomy labs and editorial jobs
>behind me.
>I really feel so excluded by
>the wealthy white male straight ego-tripping
>power structure that would like to make me
>a queer.
>A faggot.
>I have been spat upon by a C.N.A.
>My pencilled sketch of an elm tree
>at sunset in November
>was defaced by crude
>caricatures of copulating stick-figures.
>My GAY home was burned by arson in 1996.
>My kitty, Celie, was murderd in that fire.
>I am nonetheless, truly thrilled that
>my PWP-sistah, Hilary Blue,
>a thoughtful, caring and honest
>friend, who as a Jewess,
>understands what being a MINORITY
>is all about,  was filmed today!!
>Hilary has made a brilliant,brave
>and unforgettable entrance, for all PWP's,
>into the world of publicity,
>and hopefully, a CURE for PD,
>a world that our Californian friend,
>Barb Malllut, and I have also pierced.
>But where does PBS leave me?
>Life-line was installed today in my house.
>A huge speaker with buttons was hooked up
>this morning at 11 AM !!!
>I have visions of being taken to an early grave
>just like Matthew Shepard in Wyoming.
>because if a PWP is a GAY man,
>you are more of a Queer
>than a worthwhile Breeder.
>One of the boys at my favorite bar
>put it very bluntly when he said
> "Ivan, darlin', there will always
>   be queers and there will always
>   be niggahs"
>So, please people of the List,
>WAKE UP!  and remember that
>a very low-income GAY List Member  who needs
>GAY-friendly and GAY-knowlegeable
>caregivers, is sitting quietly in an
>Arctic icescape, trying not to be
>another dreadful GAY statistic.
>My struggle to find safe caregivers,
>has been relegated to non-existence,
>by a PBS mentality that has decide that
>I supposedly do not matter.
>Meanwhile the real issues about being single,
>whether widowed, divorced, gay, bi, lesbian or whatever,
>issues that unite EVERY PWP who is ALONE ,
>were left aside by a homophobic  PBS.
>And while PBS glossed over my GAY-ness,
>and is frightened to deal with human diversity
>as it REALLY is, in ALL lof its wonderful forms,
>I still have no nighttime caregiver, and,
>tomorrow I am expecting to be HOSPITALIZED.
>Ivan Mfowethu Suzman (Q-PWP/49/39/36)