

Hello... Is anyone awake out there? A lame duck, impeached, minority
President, on trial in the Senate is not in the best position to make
substantive changes in the health care delivery system. And there's a
reason it's called the "Long-Term Care Initiative" and not the
"Long-Term Care Law" -- a minor detail known as the legislative branch.
(and they may have a thing or two to say about an obvious and flagrant
photo-op from an impeached President)   Besides, don't you think it's a
bit odd that the cornerstone of this "initiative" is the "National
Family Caregivers Support Program," a program ostensibly authorized and
funded through the Older Americans Act. Did everyone forget the OAA
failed to get re-authorized in the 105th session?

In fact, a number of notable long-term care bills and resolutions were
introduced during the 105th session of Congress --unfortunately, none of
them made it out of committee to the floor of the House or Senate. With
the exception of the accelerated premium percentage phase-in for
qualified LTC insurance, congressional leadership has remained
consistently impotent in its unwillingness to address the issue of
long-term health care head-on. And this bears repeating; this is not a
rank and file issue, it's a leadership issue. Nancy Johnson(Long-Term
Care & Retirement Security Act), Christopher Shays(Promoting Individuals
Under LTC Insurance), John Mica(Civil Service Long-Term Care Insurance
Benefit Act), Christopher Smith('98 Long-Term Care Advancements Act) and
Charles Grassley(Long-Term Care & Retirement Security Act) all
introduced bona fide LTC bills or resolutions in the 105th Congress. But
introducing a bill is *substantially* different from getting it to the
floor for debate and a vote. Getting it to the floor takes vision,
commitment and party leadership. All eyes are now on Messrs. Hastert &
Lott as we gird our loins for the 106th session, and renew the promises
we've made to our frail elders.

Martin K. Bayne    Email:  [log in to unmask]     48/45
President, National Long-Term Care Policy Institute, Inc.
Publisher, "Mr. Long-Term Care"