

Janet you said:
>i am touched by your concern
>but i need some clarification here -
>which messages in particular have given you cause to worry?
>how have they been 'different'?

Well, I guess for one thing, when making a few changes to the list was
brought up, you seemed to get really uptight.  I know I get that way with
things that I think I have put a lot of time & love into something & then
someone comes along and tries to suggest changes. I am a big one for
resisting change of any kind. I like things "the way we've always done

All of us are here to fight PD & to help each other whenever it is needed
along the way. I guess it not such a big deal to me whether I click on
"reply to author" or "reply to all", as long as we keep in touch.  Don, God
love him, was a little confused at first, but Barb worked that out with no

Yes, the messages have been a little sparse over the week-end, but with it
being a long week-end & you mentioned there being some problems with AOL.,
I think that would account for the lull...not that people didn't like the
list.  And, too, I'll admit, when the fur is flying on a list, I tend to
back WAY off.  But today, I seemed to pick up on more hurt than anger when
discussing the list. I just think your feeling have a lot to do with
something else & not what button we use to reply to one another.

I may be all wet & don't know what I am talking about. But I just keep
feeling that while you are always there to give hope & encouragement to
others, you are in need of a little of the same for yourself. You are always
the giver, & maybe it's time to let someone give to you.

I do not do well at expressing myself.  Things sort of run around in my head
& I can't quite get them to come out my fingertips.  I hope you can
understand what I am trying to say.  I do care how you feel.

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