

My mother Joyce (69, diagnosed with  PD 2/97, then with striatonigral
degeneration 9/98) has a very progressive head slump. (She hasn't goteen
back the MRI results of her spine.)

She was visiting me about 2 weeks ago, and her neck is bending her head
down, and slightly off center. She missed physical therapy for 2 weeks
around the holidays. When she returned, they immediately noticed that she
has gotten considerable worse (she says she's  much worse than she was 2
weeks ago). Luckily, they have increased her physical therapy to 3x/wk, and
she got a manipulation today from an osteopath -- she said he felt good and
that she's a bit straighter already.

Does anyone else have such a rapid head slumping problem? Is there anything
that helps that one can do at home? Thanks.
Debbie White
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