

Thu, 7 Jan 1999 02:53:01 -0500  Ivan M Suzman <[log in to unmask]> wrote

>to rearrange my entire life so that I could be filmed

>at being excluded by PBS.

>by a PBS mentality that has decide that
>I supposedly do not matter.

>were left aside by a homophobic  PBS.

Hi Ivan,

Considering the attitude of PBS you have described,
IMO not only YOU, but ALL PWP should be glad you
were not filmed by them!!
Because people with such a discriminative attitude
towards a minority of people (the homosexuals),
give IMO a strong signal for not accepting ANY
people that are "different".
And as we know PWP are often considered
"different" (as being a chronic ill person) too.
Do we (PWP) need publicity?? YES!!
From people with such an attitude?? NO!!
