

Hi don and vivian,
Thanks for both letters!  Natalie and Deirdre and Janis have been keeping
me going so all is OK at the moment.  Am interviewing a young guy named
Giulian today, so my advertisements in papers are working out-andall over
town now word of mouth plus internet messages to find me an overnight CG.

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses        20   deg. F   :-)
Am copying  this answer to you and viv  to the List. They like my  PWP
true adventure stories.

  Sorry to be so quiet lately Mountains of snow and ice. Drove the Blazer
yesterday to  Shaw's nearby me to re-stock food supply with Natalie ,and
shopped, then wore OFF in the cash register line.  Had to sit somewhere,
so took pills in the aisle....there was a  park bench inside the store to
use.  Along came the manager got me some water I explained I had what
MJFox has He said "Oh, Parkinson's?" and I said, "Young-onset
Parkinson's" he thanked me for explaining was very nice. I was happy he
KNEW it was PD-maybe the word is getting out slowly to the general
public. I tried to ignore how different I looked and tried tosmile at
people so they would communicate more  positively.  Meds kicked in after
about 20 minutes-faster than usual.  Maybe it's faster withthe Tasmar, i
keep thinking.
Then out into the frozen wasteland the temp had been varying  between -7
and + 7 It was -55 in Allagash Maine on Thurday omigosh....

Natalie and I went to the local pub on way home it was almost too icy for
ANYBODY to walk... for pizza and salad and coca-cola to wait out the
storm a while. Got home then Janis and I shoveled and I chopped ice and
sanded and salted have tons more work around here.  I kept going for 30
more minutes. I keep forgettting I have PD-does that ever happen to you,

 I came in to take 3:30 meds and that was it  for the day. I had lost my
pill container in the packed ice that froze over outside the gargae, gone
til the spring thaw. Janis searched with flashlight and later I got up
again to try the headlights-I had a SPARE pill container  pre=-illed in
the glove box saved my neck!  ALWAYS have spare pills set up to avoid
disaster is the moral there.

 Recovering today~~~~~pink and gold sunrise and lavender shadows  on the
snow. Deirdre making pancakes right now, with  unprocessed wheat bran.  I
just discovered Swiss Kriss -works wonderfully to unblock you, if bran
doesn't work in the morning.  We just make a kind of tea and it works
slowly overnight. Swiss Kriss consits of senna leaves and licorice,
raspberry, strawberry and so forth-looks like you know what but it isn't.
No foks, this is not an advertisement-just sharing my experiences.

Ivan IYQ2 :-)