

In a recent issue of Johns Hopkins Medical Letter, _Health After 50_ (vol
10 No 12, February 1999) there is a brief, two paragraph, comment on
restless leg by Dr. Christopher Earley, an RLS  exxpert at Johns Hopkins.
Although Dr. Earley says that "The condition tends to be idiosyncratic.
Therefore, treatment will differ from patient to patient" dopaminergic
agents such as Sinemet are the first line of treatment.
Quoting from the article, "While the drug works well with minimal side
effects for many patients, some will experience a rebound effect, where
symptoms are relieved at night but are much worse and more frequent during
the day. Studies show that a newer [sic] dopaminergic drug called pergolide
(Permax) is as effective as Sinemet and has a much lower rebound potential.
Benzodiazepine tranquilizers,narcotics, and anticonvulsants are other RLS
treatment options."

Sid Roberts   69/4               Youngstown,Ohio