

I am view this list with my husband who is the PWP.  I have too much mail as I
also belong to the Breast Cancer list.  We view the Dahlia list because we
grow these flowers and had a mail order tuber business.

Since AOL allows me up to four screen names, I am going to sign off the lists
and then resign up for each one with a different screen name.  I plan to keep
this address for my personal mail.

This way I can choose when to and if to read the items.  Sometimes I get tired
of the flames and would like to delete all or selected parts of that list for
the day because I feel I can't deal with it or I have a bunch of fun things to
do.  Although each of the three lists gets into arguments with flames and
threats, they never seem to do it at the same time so I can concentrate on a
certain list according to how the tone is going.  I figure now I can more
easily choose what I read.

My big problem is, even though I saved some of the instructions on getting off
and joining the list, I am not sure I will remember to do it right.  Would
someone e-mail me privately and tell me how to sign back on under my new
identity.  The problem with e-mailing me privately is everyone might assume
some other person did it.
Have a good week.

Jeannie Leroux
 <A HREF="mailto:[log in to unmask]">mailto:[log in to unmask]</A>
Oh, I'll have to figure out my blue line again.