

As I reread Martin Luther King's speech of 12/18/63, I felt compelled to
share that his speech reminds me of the struggle pwp often feel when we
sense unacceptance, fear, or disapproval when others are exposed to the
fact that we have a chronic, degenerative disease.  Like King, I want the
nation's leaders to see the urgency of the many pwp need a cure
NOW not in time.  Like King, I believe that the promise that all men are
guaranteed inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of
happiness includes funding for research to cure Parkinson's disease.

I admit to using Mr. King's phrase, I have a dream, when I wrote to the KC
Star about the death of Morris K. Udall.  And I still dream that Michael J.
Fox, janet paterson, Jerry Finch, Barb B-K, Linda Herman, All the list
Barbs, all the list family and the entire community of pwp will be saying,
"I HAD Parkinson's, but thanks to scientific research funded by the Udall
bill, I am CURED!!!"

When that happens, we can do as Mr. King described in his speech, "...join
hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, 'Free at last!
free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!' "

Jeanette Fuhr 48/47/44?