

You all still seem to miss my point. With the list as it is, we have to make a
conscious effort to be part  of it. It requires joining, subscribing, making a
choice.. whereas one finds online information almost without trying, just
messing around, playing the fool as it were.   It is much more casual, and
unplanned, so not serious in intent.

And justifying  a unilateral decision to make a radical change like this by
saying - Barb Patterson agrees - well I'm sorry Barbara. I've told you many
times until now that I think  you and your list are a wonderful gift to the PD
community, but this once, I'm a little disappointed.It reminds me of the
Grinch who stole Christmas.. If I heard that Santa Claus had helped him,  it
wouldn't make the Grinch right, or return Christmas. It would just make me
disappointed in Santa!

And finally, adding insult to injury, is John's implication that we are just
'along for the ride" I hope you did not mean that, John, that it was just an
unintentional result of the boat  analogy you were using.

The few months that I have been involved with the list have been the most
productive since I have had PD. I  have learnt enormous amount, made many
friends, and even improved my health through discussing with my doctor a
medication change as recommended on the list - with remarkable success.
Please don't let it be destroyed. It is much too valuable a reference tool and
a support network, and a forum for ideas and social interaction. If it has to
change its format, I guess I'll survive, but - I liked it the way it was, and
it certainly worked for me.

Thanks, and - nothing personal intended -

Hilary Blue.