

Thank you Nancy: I am sorry you are under the weather just now.  Itis a cold
blowing blusterary day but I get to stany  in all day to catch up on my paper
work and to listen to the trial

I have been rivited to the impeachment trial. Originally as a staunch
Republican I felt impeachment was necessary to preserve on system of laws at
least as it related to the pergery charge. However as the case has unfolded
and I have seen how far the house managers have stretched the evidence and
leaped to wild conclusions i have begun  to waiver. Finally when Dale Bumbers
( Senator) spoke the historical  background of the charges and how they
developed from the English  LawI  have reversed my position and think it would
be a never ending tragedy for the country. From a personal point The President
has been a supporter in the main for Health research  and a replacement might
not be so favorable disposed