

Dear List,

I am re-posting an obvious emergency post from  PWP Patricia Hewitt.

I am very low income- $687/month of SSDI.  I cannot afford internet-like
Delda White wrote, I have no web access.

Meanwhile,  Patricia and her husband have been DISQUALIFIED from medicaid
(see below)  She desperately needs her medications.

Immediate help is often the only thing - even if someone has to mail her
or deliver to her door or pass to her at a support group either pills, or
money for pills.

Obviously something is wrong.  PLEASE read her story.  I have posted my
reply at the end.
I am going to try to find a way to get her some Tasmar if I can.


On Sat, 23 Jan 1999 09:14:41 +0000 Patricia Hewitt
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>I came off of tasmar all at once. My first reason was I was removed
>from medicade. My youngest child turned eighteen which caused me not
>to qualify. The social worker claims 454 is the highest amount of
>income to qualify for low income medicade. My husbands disability is
>502. I have applied for ssi in July, but have not heard anything. I
>recived sinemet cr 50/200 samples from my nero. I came off tasmar,
>ambien, synthroid, tricor, liptor and prozac. Now all I take is
>sinemet 50/200  and paxil. I had some requip but I ran out. My right
>leg is swollen, and very stiff. the stiffness got worse to the point
>that I could not move my toes at all. I could drag my foot. Since I
>have two herinated disc my nero put me in the hospital and did a
>miligram. This showed that at least I do not have drop foot. The odd
>thing is I can move my toes at the beginning of my dose of sinemet.
>Could this be because my leg is bruised from falling or could tasmar
>withdrawal have something to do with it?
>Patricia Hewitt (44 / 2 / 8)
>Note: I'm sorry if the numbers are not correct, I'm a little
>confused about that.

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses         31 deg. F   :-)
Dear Patricia,

Keep the faith, help is on the way.

The thing I don't understand is why don't the two of you still qualify
for medicaid if your husband's income is only $502.00/month? How is a
married couple supposed to survive on THAT???  I assume that until your
SSI goes through, you two are surviving on only his income.
Whether or not your son has a job, he is over 18 now, so his income can't
be added to your husband's and yours...

My SSDI is $687.00/month. If it goes over $708, I will lose my pills, my
doctor's visits, my personal care attendants, in short, a total and
complete disaster.  So if here in Maine, on the same FEDERAL program, a
single person (I am single) is eligible up to $708, how does a married
couple NOT qualify at only $502??

Which state are you in, PHyllis?  Who is your United States
REpresentative?  Who are your Senators? PLEASE find that out TODAY.
Please call me at (207) 797-8488, or e-mail me with the names.

AS SOON AS YOU CAN WRITE BACK, I will post the entire List with their
phone numbers.  I have a tel. guide from  the Parkinson's Action
conference of a year ago.  Hopefully it's not out of date.

Patricia, just two months ago or so, I posted telephone numbers so that
the List could flood  PWP Hilary Blue's US Representative, Tom Davis,
her VIrginia US Representative, with calls.

  IT WORKED.! Just yesterday, Hilary told me the VIrginia social workers
have PROMISED, after a LONG struggle, the homemaker help she desperately
needed to keep her townhouse clean. Now, there is a much greater
likelihood that her house will be acceptable to the social workers, and
that means her two daughters, Jessi and Jen Amy will be taken OUTof
foster care and moved back home
