

 Hi Camilla,

 The shovelling is finally done.  I fell on the ice  hidden bernath th
enew snowat 6:50 AM , at the far end of the front walkway,and my feet
were in the road all of a sudden..  The plow was coming by, and with the
huge wall of snow, the driver couldn't see me and I almost got hit.  He
missed me by maybe 3 or 4 seconds. I had another caregiver interview
after that. And now, the freezing rain is making an ice disaster develop,
so, I am inside typing away to you.

There is no agreement yet.  That is why a certified letter arrived
yesterday, which one of my personal care attendants signed for, demanding
payment of the lien, or the City will dispossess me of my house on Feb.
18. The notice was rubber-stamped, NOT hand-signed.  A copy of that
letter is going to go to a PWP willing to help  pay anonymously, a
Listmember also, to prevent foreclosure. I don't have the money to pay
the lien.

The agreement would prevent me from talking to other PWP's!  Only
categories of people the City accepts would be allowed to hear about the

THe agreement is only for a tax and sewer abatement, NOTa reduction. The
City ignores the  volunteer work I do for other PWP's in Portland.
ULtimately, theCity loses no money, but restricts me.

That is why a letter from some, or many PWP's and CG's would certainly
pressure the City.  Does it really think it can STOP ME FROM TALKING WITH

Also, the City can still require that I get my doctors, nurses,
phyhsician's assistants or therapists to write the City a letter
justifying the need to spend money on a  treatment.  This violates my
PRIVACY and interferes with my relationships with my health providers.

I am so upset about having to deal with a hostile City, but, I will
prevail, I will NOT give in.  It's not just my life, I am example of
many, many more who are disabled and have marginal incomes.

So if I have to spend my days battling in court, the City will lose. Big
time.  And PWP's will gain.
No rest for the weary. Or the City will give me the settlement and
renewable agreement I deserve.

On Sat, 23 Jan 1999 11:42:08 -0500 Camilla Flintermann
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>Ivan-- a quick thanks for clarifying that the doc has not yet bewen
>signed  (SNIP)