

I have to admit I was taken by surprise by the new Change to the list. I want to commend John for
all his hard work as well as the product he produced I presume with Barb's knowledge and

There are several points I would like to make.

The change certainly makes it easier to monitor the list without bogging down one's email
capabilities. I think we have lost a lot of  participants because of that.

I think that the issue of privacy is much more one of perception than reality.  Simon's archives
make everything we have written on the list available to everyone with a computer.  Also with 1700
list members everything we write is immediately going out to the equivalent of a large auditorium
full if people who aren't screened at all.  That hardly is privacy.

I think this difference in perception plays a large role in the differences some of us have had.
Some people have related to the list as if they were in their living room at a book club meeting
with 10 to 15 people in it and topics of mutual interest would be brought up some related to the
book and some not.  Then somebody stands up and says lets take a poll of how many people want to
talk about the  book or something else.  In a small group depending on how it is done it might be
seen as out of place or impolite.  But in a group of 1700 in an auditorium filled with people who
were told there would be a discussion  of a particular book and the topic kept changing so that the
book was being discussed - sometimes about things that you wanted to hear, sometimes about aspects
of the book you didn't want to hear and sometimes about auto mechanics, recipes or other subjects
that you may or may not be interested in.  Unless you are very interested in the book or l the
diversions you might well get tired and feel it is not worth the considerable effort and leave.

With these different ways of viewing the list, if one sees  the contributing members sitting on
living room furniture  in a theater in the round and  we are only vaguely aware of  the audience, we
may act as though we are actually in a living room.  I think John has turned up the house lights and
is getting the same reaction as if (Like the movie the Truman Show) we are finding out for the first
time that there is a large audience out there some enjoying the show, a few  cheering. a few
heckling, but a large number overwhelmed with information both relevant and irrelevant to their

Of course there is a legitimate function  of meeting and having freewheeling discussions but don't
think that you are in your living room with 15-20 people when you have an audience of 1700 or more
people  .

Folks,  there is an audience out there and if we act as if there is not we are deluding ourselves
and cheating them,

 When I started asking questions about the list by doing polls,  I was attacked by a few people as
to their usefulness and validity and told "the list is the list"  and this is what Barb Patterson
wants it to be  END OF DISCUSSION- Now some of the same people are asking why the change wasn't
discussed- when Barb and John apparently collaborated on adding a new "module" which makes the list
more accessible to more people.  Data gathering about what members wanted the list to be and  what
they valued most in the list was "shouted down" by a few voices. which were so strident that I
backed off -for a time- to try off list to mend fences.

Well now it is done.  Unless Barb changes her mind, that's the way it will stay.  Or maybe somebody
wants to take a poll.  Find out how to preserve the good points of the old list including the
camaraderie and spontaneity while recognizing that we are 1700 strong and what we have to say for
better or worse is available for the world to view.
Charles T. Meyer,  M.D.
Middleton (Madison), Wisconsin
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