

Hi Parkinsn list,

Gerrit Kleynscheldt thought our site was good enough to
recommend to you, and sent you this note directly (using
our online referral system) to tell you about it. It's
called DORway to Discovery! Say NO to aspartame (a.k.a. Equal, Nutrasweet)

Here's the URL:
     DORway to Discovery! is a 330 + page WEB site with the WHOLE story on aspartame (Equal/Nutrasweet) proving, with industry, congressional and government documents, that this fake sweetener is neither a diet aid nor safe!  The FDA's list of 92 symptoms of poisoning saved MY life, and as an unhappy victim I want YOU to help inform the OTHER 200 million clueless victims and their equally clueless doctors.     If you would like to receive an ocassional Email newsletter on events    please Email [log in to unmask] with the subject -Yes to newsletter-  Sincerely  Dave Rietz ([log in to unmask]) DORway WEBMaster: plus and
 If you'd like a Web-based referral system like this on your
own site (FREE), take a look here: