

I'm looking for on-site tech-help for my Win 95 home-based PC.  I
live in the San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles near Balboa Park.

Are there any L.A, area techies on the List, OR any referrals to
same, who're looking for several hours of for-pay tech support work?

Basically, the system is in need of cleaning up - deleting a buncha
no-longer-used Microsoft alpha/beta test software left over from my 2
years as a forum manager on MSN, tweaking, adding a new mouse, and
hooking up a FAX/scanner/copier machine by cable to the PC (piece of
cake, 'cept that I'm SO inept (read THAT as it's a real bummer trying
to coordinate my eyes-fingers-hand movements lately) at this type of
thing that I'd much prefer to have someone else do the job).

Basically, I'm afraid the system's gonna go to hell-in-a-hand-basket
and SOON if I don't get some much needed assistance with it!

Oh... and I'll be happy to throw in a pizza and all the soda pop
that's required to get the job done <smile>.

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Barb Mallut
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