

NO, Please say it isn't so; there can't  be nay GOOD thing that  comes
witrh that horrible, disgusting filthy habit! We here in progressive
Victoria,British Columbia have the toughest non-smokingbylaw   in
North America. NO smoking in ANY public places, bars, restaurants,
bingo parlors, with hefty fines for smokers and businesss that fail
to conmply. It is great for us non-smokers. I find a very large %
of pwp don't smoke, has anyone else notices this.
BTW- thhank u to all who wrote re skin cancer.
BTW#2 I caught mJF briefly the other night. He was was
0bvious he has pd his lefarnm was qqite  markedly different. I bet it's
hard for him right now to be under such close scrutiny.
God help all  of us to be rid of this curse before the millenium.
Bill Harrington  42 dia 29  sym 27   still single and looking1