

PBS NewsHour

Thank you so much for your sensitive and detailed coverage of what it is
really like to have Parkinson's Disease.

I am an Australian from Perth and really enjoyed seeing people who I only
know by cyber world of the internet.

Hilary Blue is a regular correspondent on the world wide Parkinsn's List.

Of course the comparison you drew (but did not dwell on) was the difference
the way the disease is experienced  between the haves and the have nots.

If you would like to explore this further, I would suggest you talk to Ivan
Suzman at [log in to unmask]

We here in Australia are very grateful for the amount of coverage you are
giving PD.  Keep it up!

Mrs JOY Graham
Committee Member
Parkinson's Association of WA
320 Rokeby Rd
Subiaco WA 6008

And carer of a person with PD