

Dear Gina,
Your note was just what I needed today.  I have been so depressed since the
news that I am a pwp is so new it is just now sinking in.  I love to laugh
(often times at the most inappropriate times) and have kept a good attitude
about this illness until just recently.  Today it really got me down, but your
post reminded me of how I always cope with things. Thank you.

Gina Cass wrote:

> Hello Linda:
> Thank you for your laughing post.  I have dealt with most things in my life
> with humor and laughter.  Sometimes it is accepted and sometimes not.
> Being shutdown for being joyous and happy is a crime to judge others just
> because they aren't like another.
> "The shortest distance between two people is laughter."
>                                        Victor Borge
> I am still happy and laughing
> Gina